虫趣:BAD POOL CALLER (par1: 0x20)

作者:张佩 【原文:http://www.yiiyee.cn/Blog/0x19-1/


对于运行在高中断级别(>=DISPATCH_LEVEL 2)上的代码,它使用的内存只应该是从非分页内存池中申请的。因为系统无法在这些中断级上处理页错误。



0: kd> dt nt!_pool_header
   +0x000 PreviousSize     : Pos 0, 9 Bits
   +0x000 PoolIndex        : Pos 9, 7 Bits
   +0x002 BlockSize        : Pos 0, 9 Bits
   +0x002 PoolType         : Pos 9, 7 Bits
   //+0x000 Ulong1           : Uint4B
   +0x004 PoolTag          : Uint4B
   //+0x004 AllocatorBackTraceIndex : Uint2B
   //+0x006 PoolTagHash      : Uint2B


  1. PreviouseSize:前一个Entry的长度,粒度为8字节,值1表示8字节。
  2. BlockSize:当前Entry的长度,粒度为8字节,故值1表示8字节长。
  3. PoolIndex:不详。
  4. PoolType:包含当前Entry的一些属性,比如当前块是Free还是Allocated。如果试图释放一个Free状态的内存块,就会出错。
  5. PoolTag:客户申请内存时设置的Tag值,这个Tag值可便于调试和分析。



0: kd> !analyze -v
*                                                                 *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                        *
*                                                                 *

The pool is already corrupt at the time of the current request.
This may or may not be due to the caller.
The internal pool links must be walked to figure out a possible cause of
the problem, and then special pool applied to the suspect tags or the driver
verifier to a suspect driver.
Arg1: 00000020, a pool block header size is corrupt.
Arg2: 8739ed50, The pool entry we were looking for within the page.
Arg3: 8739ed88, The next pool entry.
Arg4: 18070009, (reserved)

Debugging Details:
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x19_20

POOL_ADDRESS:  8739ed50 Nonpaged pool


PROCESS_NAME:  xxxusermode.exe


IRP_ADDRESS:  013e8e48

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 82c8c588 to 82d2cc6b

99f8f8d8 82c8c588 8739ed58 00000000 b99f0218 nt!ExFreePoolWithTag+0x1b1
99f8f924 82c8403f 013e8e88 99f8f96c 99f8f964 nt!IopCompleteRequest+0xe6
99f8f974 82f3db64 00000000 b13e8e48 b13e8e48 nt!IopfCompleteRequest+0x3b4
99f8f9dc 95af0c5a 8a1c8978 86c97008 99f8f9fc nt!IovCompleteRequest+0x133
99f8f9ec 95aef48f 86c94180 b13e8e48 99f8fa14 ks!CKsFilter::DispatchDeviceIoControl+0x68
99f8f9fc 95adf0ba 86c94180 b13e8e48 b13e8e48 ks!KsDispatchIrp+0xb0
99f8fa14 82f3d6c3 86c94180 b13e8e48 8a98fa48 ks!CKsDevice::PassThroughIrp+0x46
99f8fa38 82c42bd5 00000000 b13e8e48 86c94180 nt!IovCallDriver+0x258
99f8fa4c 82e36bf9 8a98fa48 b13e8e48 b13e8fd8 nt!IofCallDriver+0x1b
99f8fa6c 82e39de2 86c94180 8a98fa48 00000000 nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail+0x1f8
99f8fb08 82e80764 86c94180 b13e8e48 00000000 nt!IopXxxControlFile+0x6aa
99f8fb3c 8932cc90 000003c0 00000000 00000000 nt!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x2a
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
99f8fd04 82c498a6 000003c0 00000000 00000000 DgSafe+0x19c90
99f8fd04 77967094 000003c0 00000000 00000000 nt!KiSystemServicePostCall
0027ed44 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x77967094


95af0c5a 8bc7            mov     eax,edi


SYMBOL_NAME:  ks!CKsFilter::DispatchDeviceIoControl+68

FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner


IMAGE_NAME:  ks.sys


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x19_20_VRF_ks!CKsFilter::DispatchDeviceIoControl+68

BUCKET_ID:  0x19_20_VRF_ks!CKsFilter::DispatchDeviceIoControl+68

Followup: MachineOwner


  1.  蓝屏参数,里面明确指出了错误原因是系统发现有一个pool entry的长度不对,并指出了当前操作的entry(0x8739ed50)和它的下一个entry(0x8739ed88)。为什么同时给出下一个entry,还要下面继续分析。
  2.  当前进程名,看是否对应了客户程序。
  3. 调用栈的第0帧,函数是ExFreePoolWithTag。可以知道是在释放内存时出错的。


99f8f8d8 82c8c588 8739ed58 00000000 b99f0218 nt!ExFreePoolWithTag+0x1b1


ExFreePoolWithTag (8739ed58, 0);


0: kd> dt nt!_pool_header 8739ed50
   +0x000 PreviousSize     : 0y000001001 (0x9)	// 9 * 8 = 0x48
   +0x000 PoolIndex        : 0y0000000 (0)
   +0x002 BlockSize        : 0y000000111 (0x7)	// 7 * 8 = 0x38
   +0x002 PoolType         : 0y0001100 (0xc)
   +0x000 Ulong1           : 0x18070009
   +0x004 PoolTag          : 0x7070534b
   +0x004 AllocatorBackTraceIndex : 0x534b
   +0x006 PoolTagHash      : 0x7070

问题出在哪里呢? 运行一下!pool命令:

0: kd> !pool 8739ed50
Pool page 8739ed50 region is Nonpaged pool
 8739e000 size:   d0 previous size:    0  (Free)       Ntfx
 8739e0d0 size:   68 previous size:   d0  (Allocated)  FMsl
 8739e138 size:   68 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  EtwR (Protected)
 8739e1a0 size:   68 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  EtwR (Protected)
 8739e208 size:   68 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  Mdl 
 8739e270 size:   18 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  MmSi
 8739e288 size:   20 previous size:   18  (Allocated)  USBB
 8739e2a8 size:   68 previous size:   20  (Allocated)  FMsl
 8739e310 size:   10 previous size:   68  (Free)       NSpg
 8739e320 size:   48 previous size:   10  (Allocated)  Vad 
 8739e368 size:   10 previous size:   48  (Free)       NKBS
 8739e378 size:   48 previous size:   10  (Allocated)  Vad 
 8739e3c0 size:   c8 previous size:   48  (Allocated)  File (Protected)
 8739e488 size:  1f8 previous size:   c8  (Allocated)  z...
 8739e680 size:   68 previous size:  1f8  (Allocated)  EtwR (Protected)
 8739e6e8 size:   18 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  MmSi
 8739e700 size:   40 previous size:   18  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8739e740 size:  2e8 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Thre (Protected)
 8739ea28 size:   68 previous size:  2e8  (Allocated)  FMsl
 8739ea90 size:   68 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  FMsl
 8739eaf8 size:   18 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  MmSi
 8739eb10 size:   40 previous size:   18  (Allocated)  SeTl
 8739eb50 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8739eb90 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8739ebd0 size:   38 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  AlIn
 8739ec08 size:   50 previous size:   38  (Free)       z...
 8739ec58 size:   40 previous size:   50  (Allocated)  MmIo
 8739ec98 size:   28 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  VadS
 8739ecc0 size:   48 previous size:   28  (Allocated)  Vad 
 8739ed08 size:   48 previous size:   48  (Allocated)  Vad 
*8739ed50 size:   38 previous size:   48  (Free ) *KSpp
		Pooltag KSpp : irp system buffer property/method/event parameter

8739ed88 doesn't look like a valid small pool allocation, checking to see
if the entire page is actually part of a large page allocation...

8739ed88 is not a valid large pool allocation, checking large session pool...
8739ed88 is freed (or corrupt) pool
Bad allocation size @8739ed88, zero is invalid

*** An error (or corruption) in the pool was detected;
*** Attempting to diagnose the problem.
*** Use !poolval 8739e000 for more details.

Pool page [ 8739e000 ] is __inVALID.

Analyzing linked list...
[ 8739ed50 --> 8739edf0 (size = 0xa0 bytes)]: Corrupt region

Scanning for single bit errors...

None found

!pool在处理任何一个地址的时候,都会跳到地址所在页的起始处开始分析。当前系统的页大小为4K,可算出0x8739ed50对应的页起始地址是0x8739e000,也就是第一条Entry的地址。纵观从第一个entry开始往下,可以看到size和previous size这两个相映成趣的值,恰好是一个“之”型网络:


之型结构从第一个Entry开始,它的previous size为0;前一个entry的size应该和第二个Entry的previous size相等,否则就不对;一直到最后一个entry,都必须把这个关系保持下去。


0: kd> dt nt!_pool_header 8739ed88 
   +0x000 PreviousSize     : 0y000000000 (0)
   +0x000 PoolIndex        : 0y0000000 (0)
   +0x002 BlockSize        : 0y000000000 (0)
   +0x002 PoolType         : 0y0000000 (0)
   +0x000 Ulong1           : 0
   +0x004 PoolTag          : 0
   +0x004 AllocatorBackTraceIndex : 0
   +0x006 PoolTagHash      : 0

0: kd> db 8739ed88 L8
8739ed88  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


对照这个分析进行调试,仔细观察出问题时的用户程序,发现用户程序发送了一个结构体给内核处理,但用户程序和内核定义对同一个结构体的定义不一致,内核所定义的 结构体比用户程序多出两个变量。最终问题得到了解决。

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《虫趣:BAD POOL CALLER (par1: 0x20)》有3个想法

